privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: January 24 , 2024


This Privacy Policy, also referred to as "the Policy," applies to the PadNovel apps, websites, related services, and content (collectively known as "PadNovel," "Services," or "Platform"). It outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and sharing of your   Personal   Personal Data in connection with PadNovel and details your rights and choices concerning your Personal Data.   Additionally, please consult the relevant Terms of Use for the Properties, as they govern your engagement with our services and properties.


1. Types of information we c ollect

The information we collect is influenced by how you use the p platform and the choices you make. We acquire information about you from various sources and through different methods when you engage with our products. This includes information you provide directly, data from third-party sources, automatically collected information, and information we deduce or generate from other data. The categories and sources of this information are further elaborated below:

Information Provided by You: :

        Profile Date:  As a registered user of PadNovel, we collect specific details you furnish about your account, such as your username, nickname, age, gender , email address and profile photo.

         Payment information:  For users engaging in transactions, we collect payment details necessary to complete purchases on PadNovel.  

        Contact information:   When you offer feedback, contact us, or voluntarily provide information to us or our employees, that information is gathered by us.


Information from Third Parties

        Social networks: If you register with PadNovel using social networking credentials (like Facebook, Google, Apple), we request access to basic information from that account, including your name, age, email address, and public profile. We also share certain details with the respective social network, such as your app ID, access token, and the referring URL. You can revoke our access to your account at any time.


2. Information we collect automatically

We automatically gather specific types of information when you interact with the Platform, including when using the App without an account:

        Identifiers and device information:  Your IP address, mobile carrier, time zone settings, device identifiers (including mobile advertising IDs), and app version used are automatically logged. We also collect device-specific information such as model, system, network type, device ID, screen resolution, and operating system.

        Usage data:  We track your activities on the Platform, which includes data on app events ( e.g., like activation, clicks, purchases, downloads, reading habits, book ratings, usage duration, bookmarks, bookshelf and thought management, sharing, and searches for books or keywords), purchase history, top-up records, bonus details, book feedback, analysis, improvement settings, and other usage aspects.

        Customer support information.   We may record details of your interactions with our customer service, including the date, time, and reason for contact, as well as transcripts of any chat conversations.

3 . Utilization of Collected Information

Our use of the information we collect is primarily for providing and enhancing the Platform's functionality and management.

Here's an overview of the specific purposes for different types of collected information:

        Provision of services related to the Platform.

        Development and improvement of our Platform, focusing on product enhancement.

        Analyzing and optimizing the impact of advertisements we present to you and others, aiming for targeted advertising.

        Incorporating User Content in our promotional campaigns to highlight the Platform.

        Analyzing your interaction with the Platform, including device synchronization.

        Drawing inferences about personal details such as age, gender, and preferences.

        Identifying and mitigating abusive, fraudulent, or unlawful activities on the Platform.

        Verifying compliance with age-related legal requirements.

        Offering support to customers and addressing inquiries.

        Engaging in communication regarding service updates and changes.

        Upholding our terms, policies, and legal commitments.

        Providing personalized services based on your location, subject to your permissions.

        Enhancing our algorithms based on user data.

        Integrating all collected or received information for the aforementioned purposes.

        Other purposes communicated at the time of data collection or based on user consent.


4 . Disclosure of Personal Data

Your personal data might be shared with various third parties, both domestically and internationally, including:

        Partner entities for exclusive offers through the Platform.

        External service providers and agents assisting in service delivery, like cloud storage for data preservation and contract execution.

        Advertising and analysis partners to refine the Platform and tailor advertisements.


We also disclose information to entities within our corporate family for operational purposes, including Platform enhancement, legal use enforcement, and user support.

Legal or regulatory obligations may necessitate sharing your information with law enforcement or governmental bodies. This could include:

        Adhering to legal requirements or responding to legal processes.

        Ensuring compliance with our Terms of Service and other policies, including examining potential breaches.

        Addressing security, fraud, or technical challenges.

        Safeguarding the rights or safety of our company, users, third parties, or the public.

  In corporate transactions like mergers, acquisitions, or asset transfers, user information may be a shared asset.

We also provide anonymized data in compliance with legal standards.

        Be aware that third-party products linked on our Platform have their own privacy practices, and any personal data shared with them falls under their privacy policies.


5 . Storage of Your Information

The information we gather from you might be transferred to and stored in locations outside your country. It could also be handled by personnel outside your country who are either our employees or work for our suppliers or business partners. Your submission of information signifies consent to this transfer, storage, or processing. We commit to taking all reasonably necessary measures to ensure that your data is securely maintained and treated in compliance with this policy and relevant laws.


6 . Data Security and Retention

We implement various physical, managerial, and technical safeguards designed to protect Personal Information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. However, it's important to note that no security system is infallible. We cannot guarantee complete security of your information against all potential breaches of our safeguards.

We aim to delete or anonymize your Personal Information when it is no longer required for its intended purposes unless legal obligations dictate a longer retention period. In determining how long to retain your data, we consider factors like the nature of our services and relationship with you, mandatory legal retention periods, and the implications of deleting your information.


7. Advertising and Analytics Services by Third Parties

We permit third-party partners to provide personalized advertising and analytics services on our behalf. These ads may be based on various factors, including your activities on our Platform and other sites. These third parties collect and process your information for personalized advertising purposes. We do not control the tracking technologies they may use. If you disagree with these third parties' privacy practices, you should not consent to this Privacy Policy. We also share certain information like IP address and device details with these third parties to facilitate personalized ads. Our partnerships with third-party providers aim to improve our App and Services, and we do not sell your information. We ensure that our partners adhere to strict data use and disclosure conditions.


8 . Deletion of Your Information

You can request the deletion of your data by contacting us at Each request is considered individually. We may retain some of your data as needed for business interests, fraud prevention, and legal compliance, including tax and auditing obligations. Deletion requests may sometimes be fulfilled by closing your account. Deleting your Account results in losing access to all or part of PadNovel.


9 . Privacy Policy Updates

  PadNovel reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to periodically review this page for any updates. Changes will be posted through the Service, with the revision date indicated. If changes materially affect your rights or obligations, we will strive to notify you.


10 . Contact Us

For questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at : .